
  • All
  • 1. Observe And Interact
  • 1. Sector Analysis
  • 1. Soil Management
  • 10. Use And Value Diversity
  • 11. Use Edges And Value The Marginals
  • 12. Creatively Use & Respons To Change
  • 2. Catch And Store Energy
  • 2. User Needs
  • 2. Water Management
  • 3. Landscape Needs
  • 3. Obtain A Yield
  • 4. Apply Self Regulation And Accept Feedback
  • 4. Pest Management
  • 4. Zoning
  • 5. Use And Value Renewable Resources And Services
  • 5. Weed Management
  • 6. Animal Management
  • 6. Produce No Waste
  • 7. Crop Management
  • 7. Design From Pattern To Detail
  • 8. Integrate Rather Than Segregate
  • 9. Use Small And Slow Solutions
  • About Nutrition
  • About Soil
  • About Waste
  • About Water
  • Aquaculture
  • Asparagus
  • Banana Circle
  • Behind The Scene
  • Binahong
  • Bio Diversity
  • Biodigester
  • Black Sapote
  • Blog
  • Bokashi
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Cassava
  • Chaya
  • Cincau
  • Circular Economy Education, Training & Mentoring Photos
  • Companion Planting
  • Creating Water Storage
  • Daily Harvesting
  • Design For Diversity
  • Earth Care
  • Eco Enzyme
  • Fair Share
  • Food Diversity
  • Food Preservation (Boiling)
  • Food Preservation (Burial)
  • Food Preservation (Canning)
  • Food Preservation (Confit)
  • Food Preservation (Cooling)
  • Food Preservation (Curing)
  • Food Preservation (Drying)
  • Food Preservation (Fermentation)
  • Food Preservation (Freezing)
  • Food Preservation (Jellying)
  • Food Preservation (Jugging)
  • Food Preservation (Lye)
  • Food Preservation (Pickling)
  • Food Preservation (Salting)
  • Food Preservation (Sugaring)
  • Ganyong
  • Garden Bed
  • Garden To Table
  • Ginseng Jawa
  • Guava
  • Home Composting
  • Kecipir
  • Kecipir
  • Kelor
  • Kenikir
  • Lemon
  • Mangkokan
  • MOL
  • Mulch
  • Multiple Function
  • News & Media
  • Observe And Analyze
  • Optimalizing Value
  • Papaya
  • People Care
  • Permaculture Advantages
  • Permaculture Approach
  • Permaculture Basic
  • Permaculture Defenition
  • Permaculture Design
  • Permaculture Design System
  • Permaculture Difference
  • Permaculture Disadvantage
  • Permaculture Education & Training Projects
  • Permaculture Ethics
  • Permaculture Failure
  • Permaculture Foundation
  • Permaculture Homesteading
  • Permaculture Misconception
  • Permaculture Principle
  • Photo Gallery
  • Pineapple
  • Pisang
  • Pohpohan
  • Purple Sweet Potatoes
  • Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
  • Refugia And Companion Plant
  • Resep Acar
  • Resep Ayam
  • Resep Cincau
  • Resep Domba
  • Resep Entog
  • Resep Gluten Free
  • Resep Gorengan
  • Resep Ikan
  • Resep Karbohidrat
  • Resep Keripik
  • Resep Mie
  • Resep Nasi
  • Resep Probiotik
  • Resep Salad
  • Resep Sambal
  • Resep Sayur Bening
  • Resep Sayur Tumis
  • Resep Selai Dan Marmalade
  • Resep Syrup
  • Sambung Nyawa
  • Services
  • Soil Preservation
  • Sorghum
  • Stacking Function
  • Superfood
  • Taro
  • Telang
  • Trench Composting
  • Turi
  • Turmeric
  • Water Conservation
  • Water Harvesting
  • Water Retention And Distribution
  • Worm Composting
  • Zero Waste Cooking
  • Zero Waste Management
  • Zero Waste Plant
Circular Economy Education, Training & Mentoring Photos

We’re Gardening

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snail, shell, crawl
Permaculture Education & Training Projects

Example Permaculture Education

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5. Use And Value Renewable Resources And Services

Permaculture Approach 4 – Weeds Management. Memilih Jenis Mulsa Yang Cocok

Kami telah mencoba beberapa jenis mulsa untuk berbagai tanaman dan ini penilaian kami : 1. Sekam mentah. Meriahhhhhh, garden bed jadi berwarna warni, kalau dilihat ...
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5. Use And Value Renewable Resources And Services

Permaculture Approach 4 – Weeds Management. Apa Kita Membutuhkan Mulsa?

Mulch or not to mulch, pembahasan ini juga akan menghasilkan pro dan kontra yang tidak ada habisnya, pro kontra ini tidak hanya berlaku pada urban ...
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10. Use And Value Diversity

Permaculture Approach 3 – Pest Management. Apa Benar Kita Butuh Diversity?

Harap cek kembali postingan kami di materi paling awal yang membedakan metode pertanian organic vs permaculture sebelum mendebat postingan dan penjelasan kami di postingan ini. ...
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10. Use And Value Diversity

Permaculture Approach 3 – Pest Management. Design For Diversity

Sudah berkali-kali praktek mengenai diversity ini kami posting dan jelaskan yaaaa, termasuk di beberapa postingan tepat sebelum postingan ini naik. Tidak ada masalah dengan luasan ...
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