Listriana Suherman

I'm an Eco-Socio-preneur, a Permaculturist, a Circular Economy and Zero Waste Management expert. Have A Choleric-Melancholy personality. I Always believe to create a fun atmosphere and breeze through life on my Instinct. Oh yes...I also have a severe OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder)

Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Phase 1

We are decided to use aquaculture for grey water reuse from kitchen sink to the fish pond and integrated the edging with reed bed and bog area for first filtering.1. First part (Damp zone, shallow water bog zone) is for edging, Reed bed, bog area and pond marginal area.2. Second part is for pond deep […]

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Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Edging Style

We use one of these edging style for our permaculture pond, you could choose which one you desired or depends on materials you have in the backyard. Karena dasar kolam aquaculture kami berbentuk kotak (kami menggunakan batako) maka kami gabungkan tepiannya dengan wildlife supaya terlihat alami. Edging style ini kami buat sebelum reed beds. Jadi

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Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Reed Beds

Aquaculture can and should be function for grey water reuse from kitchen sink or bathroom to productive ends. When the water is cleaned through a series of gravel reed bed and filtered through a series of ponds – it gets fed to fish pond and fruit trees. All the grey water is dumped into a

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Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Aquaculture Basic

We are using three methods in our garden : Banana circle for composting our kitchen waste and weeds. Vermicompost for composting our beloved pet’s poo and Aquaculture for composting/reuse our grey water. Aquaculture is any type of water, pond or wetland environment which grows or farms aquatic animals and plants. An aquaculture system provides more

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Kenikir (Cosmos Caudatus)

Greetings from our kenikir (Cosmos Caudatus). Kenikir merupakan salah satu tanaman superfood dengan genus cosmos, memiliki bunga berwarna ungu, pink dan putih dalam satu kelopak. Kenikir dapat tumbuh hingga ketinggian 2 meter. Memiliki daun yang lembut serta harum dengan batang daun berwarna hijau muda keunguan. Kenikir merupakan edible plant dan biasanya daunnya dikonsumsi sebagai lalap

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Metode Pengolahan Limbah Air Kotor/Grey Water Management – Banana Circle

There are a lot of composting methods to use in the farm/garden, we are using three methods in our garden :1. Banana circle for composting our kitchen waste and weeds.2. Vermicompost for composting our beloved pet’s poo.3. Aquaculture for our grey water reuse. Today is our schedule to make a banana circle. Banana circle is

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Urban Permaculture / Permakultur Perkotaan – Bumiku Satu DAAI TV

Siapa bilang permaculture hanya dapat dilakukan oleh orang yang memiliki lahan luas dan terletak di pedesaan nun jauh disana? Pendapat yang tidak tepat. Kami yang memiliki lahan di tengah kompleks perumahan diatas bukit di daerah urban bisa kok berpermaculture. Kami telah berpermaculture selama hampir tujuh tahun. Hanya dengan lahan seluas kurang lebih 750 meter persegi

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Inisiatif Green School Dukung Implementasi Sekolah Ramah Anak Untuk Mewujudkan Kota Layak Anak

Bandung side, Rancaekek – Selama satu tahun terakhir Save the Children berupaya mempromosikan program kesetaraan gender dan perlindungan anak kepada remaja perempuan dan remaja laki-laki dengan menghargai kesehatan, pendidikan, dan berbagai peluang serta mengatasi norma-norma sosial yang memiliki stereotype negatif terhadap gender melalui project We See Equal. “Salah satunya kami memastikan anak-anak selalu sehat dan juga berperilaku

Inisiatif Green School Dukung Implementasi Sekolah Ramah Anak Untuk Mewujudkan Kota Layak Anak Read More »